Refresher Mini Course

Ten Short Recordings 

Listen to these recordings to remind you of what you learned during the live course. 

It can also help deepen your practice for ending stress.

Refresh Session 1: Introduction (including The Clear Button)
Refresh Session 2: Everything is Mindset (Start Out Positive & Thought Awareness)
Refresh Session 3: Stress is Fear (What Am I Afraid Of.?)
Refresh Session 4: Peace is Power (Brain Break/Timeout for Peace)
Refresh Session 5: The Power of Mindfulness (Awareness Meditation)
Refresh Session 6: Tapping the Creative Brain (The Creativity Booster)
Refresh Session 7: Stress-Free Realtionships (The Four Conditions)
Session 8: Forgiveness (A Process for Transcending the Past)
Refresh Session 9: Immeasurable Self-Worth (A Process for Transcending Shame)
Session 10: Twelve Principles for An Awakened Life

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